Monday, October 13, 2008

Be Prepared

I've been feeling this urgency lately to get "prepared." I know I should have felt this way a long time ago, but I'm just not that good. :-) It's exciting to have our little food storage started (And I do mean little ... our family won't survive long on a jar of spaghetti sauce and some tropical fusion Jello). It just feels good to know we're doing something!


Darcee said...

I feel the same way Shanna! I've definitely been feeling the urge. We had a good stock in Boston, but didn't have room for it so now we're starting all over. Oh well, you've inspired me to get back into it!

Kristi Davis said...

Hello from SanDiego
I love your pictures, I can't believe how fast they are growing up. I also have felt the importance of being prepared.
Shopping on tuesday's, I can get more food and hygene products, I love getting more for the money. It's great that you are starting, keep going, don't get discouraged, each time you buy something you are that much closer to your goal.
Love all of us!