Saturday, October 16, 2010

Zoo Day

We took the kids to the Denver Zoo a few days ago. The weather was beautiful, and it was a perfect day to go. I thought Joshua and Livi would die of excitement on the car ride there. They wanted me to inform them the minute I could see the zoo from my window. Jason is seriously the best person to go to the zoo with. He gets just as excited over the animals as the kids do. We saw baby tiger cubs, and a new baby seal. Livi thought every animal was "so cute!" ... even the big, ugly fish in Tropical Discovery. In the end, after seeing lions, monkeys, elephants and giraffes, the kids informed me their favorite animal was the Pigme Elephant Shrew (a hideous animal that looks like a large rat with an elephant trunk) ...I wasn't expecting that one. =)


Jill Manis said...

A-dorable Kids! I can't believe it's been so long since BYU 172, then again, I can. :)

Jordan and Katie said...

A Pigme elephant shrew? ...never heard of it, it but it definitely sounds unique. Joshua and Livi are so funny. Adorable pics!