Thursday, October 27, 2011

One Dollar

Five weeks ago, the kids and I struck a deal.  It was the best deal I've ever made.  Joshua and Livi agreed to keep their rooms clean (Which entails making their beds before school, keeping their clothes and toys cleaned up all day, and then vacuuming and dusting before bed each night).  In exchange for their hard work?  One dollar a week . . . I kid you not.  I have not cleaned my kids rooms in FIVE WEEKS!  If only I had thought to start this sooner.  All those wasted hours picking up legos and itty bitty polly pocket shoes . . . Ah the freedom!


Jesica and Chris Fowler said...

if only we all were that easily pleased! You are a genius and I'm so glad you had kids before me so I can steal all your ideas :)

Tara Hibbard said...

Thats awesome! Your kids are too cute! Five weeks is a long time! I don't know if I could keep my room clean that long! ;) Love you!

Jeff and Ari said...

Brilliant!! I meant to ask what studio you guys had your family pics taken at? We really liked them!

Darcee said...

You are a genius and deserve the time off from cleaning! I just might try to steal your idea. I can't walk in any of my children's rooms right now!