Friday, March 23, 2012

He's 2!

Our little Ethanator turned two on Monday!  Jason took the day off work (a true miracle) and we had so much fun partying together.  We took the kids to a place called Kangaroo Zoo.  It's basically a room filled with inflatable toys for kids to ride, bounce and slide on.  Oh my gosh, they had so much fun . . .
I swear to you, Joshua and Livi put themselves in this pose and then said, "Mom! we're ready for a picture!"  Are they well-trained, or what? =)

Once the kids were sufficiently worn out, we headed home for a Toy Story party.  Ethan has two favorite movies (and by favorite movies, I mean he NEVER gets tired of watching them . . . EVER!)  He loves Tangled and Toy Story.  Since all things Tangled come in pink and purple, we settled on a Toy Story theme . . .  
This is Ethan's "I'm trying not to smile" face.  He cracks me up!

Opening Presents . . .
Loving the cake . . .

I can't believe he's two!  Oh, how I wish time would slow down just a bit . . . We all know how blessed we are to have Ethan in our family.  He is pure joy.  The other night when Joshua was saying his prayers, I heard him say, "Heavenly Father, thank you so much for letting Ethan be my brother."  We love him more than words can say.  Happy Birthday Ethanator!

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