Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Adventures in Shopping

Note to Self: If ever again you are tempted to take your three exhausted, fighting children to Gymboree for a "quick" shopping visit because you have an amazing coupon that you cannot allow to expire ... I beg of you ... reconsider!

Last week I was doing just this. (Hello, it was Friends and Family week!) I thought my kids were quietly watching the Gymbo television while I browsed the racks, when suddenly I heard screaming from across the store. I raced over and found Olivia with blood pouring down the back of her neck and dress. After fighting with Joshua over who got to sit closest to the screen, she had fallen and cracked her head open on the television. We made it to the emergency room in record time, and she was stitched up after much crying. I nearly cried myself when a patch of her hair fell out that night where the stitches had been placed. Five days later, we returned to have the stitches removed. She was in a much better mood this time-hence the smile in the picture above- because I told her she could have a Kit Kat if she was good for the doctor. (Is it bad that my children will do ANYTHING for a Kit Kat?) And so our adventure ends. It will be a long time before I can show my face at that Gymboree again. Sigh...


Jesica and Chris Fowler said...

Oh my word... I love you Shan! :) It's the prices we pay to have our kids dressed cute... :)

Jordan and Katie said...

Man, that show must have been a good one, elbows flying and heads banging. Many more shopping adventures to come I'm sure but this one goes down in history, might be hard to top. Keep the kit kats coming, that's a tasty bribe.