Sunday, April 15, 2012

Extreme Couponing!!

OK, so a few months ago I started watching "Extreme Couponing" episodes on TLC.  At first I thought the ladies on the show were total weirdos.  I mean, who needs 47 bags of potato chips?  But then I started thinking to myself, "I could totally do this, and I think I could actually be really good at it . . . maybe I'M one of those weirdos!"  And so it began.  I bought a binder, I joined a class, I ordered multiple copies of the newspaper, and I started doing my grocery shopping in the middle of the night with the other weirdos . . . I was hooked!  Don't get me wrong . . . I don't have some huge stockpile stuffed under my couch.  If you know of Jason and my hatred for clutter, you know that would be our worst nightmare!  But I am saving us $300-$350 a month on our grocery bill, and I'm getting lots of free stuff like toothpaste, bandaids and gum. Let's hear it for free stuff . . . WOOT WOOT!


Jordan and Katie said...

Awesome Shanna, way to go!! I'm happy it is working out for you. Maybe one day I'll be one of the weirdos again. All I can say is Endure...keep it up and keep on saving!

chelsea said...

So proud of you! I always try and do this but it only lasts a few weeks. You have much more stamina then I do:)