Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mom, The Campaign Manager

Joshua and Olivia both decided to run for Student Council for the upcoming school year . . . a BIG deal at their school.  I felt like a full-on campaign manager!  They each had to write two essays on the qualities found in a good leader and the impact they would have on their school as an officer, make campaign posters to hang in the halls at school, and write a speech.  First they gave the speech to their classmates, after which the top student from each class moved on to give their speech in front of the entire school.  After a school-wide vote, the top two students from each grade became the next year's student council officers.  Joshua was old enough to run for Student-body president and he decided to go for it.  After a week of campaigning, he ended up losing to his good friend by only 1 vote . . .   It was a heart breaker!   He didn't give up though.  He ran the following week for a sixth-grade officer and won by a landslide.   I was so proud of him!

Olivia's grade had more than 20 kids running this year!  She was so nervous about giving her speech, but she rocked it in the end.  She spoke about the importance of being kind to everyone and stopping playground bullying.  After winning her class vote, she went on to the school-wide vote . . .  and she won!

I couldn't be more proud of my kids . . . and I love that they go for it when they want something!  Congratulations Ja and Livi!  I love you both!!

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