Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Moving On...

We're moving... to Utah...in 2 weeks! Jason accepted a position with a company called Blue Lemon, and we are moving Christmas week (because I seriously DO NOT have enough to do during the holidays!) Despite the stress, we really are excited for this new adventure. It will be a new experience living in Utah and not being students, but we know this is where the Lord wants us to be. Jason has already started his new position, and he is loving it! I am just trying to keep my sanity while taking care of the kids, getting ready for Christmas, packing boxes, and making moving arrangements without him. We will be in the Lehi area, and the kids are excited to be by their Grandpa and Grandma Davis, and some of their cousins. At the same time, it is hard to say goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma Dalby and the cousins they have here in Colorado. It's going to be a big month for our family!


Tara Hibbard said...

So excited for you guys! So many changes going on in our family with wedding and movings and stuff but they are all good changes! Love you Shan!

England Family said...

Wow! How exciting and sad all at the same time! We know how that one goes. I was going to mail your card this week and it was Chris' job to make sure we had an up to date address for you, but I guess it is changing anyway! Let me know where to send it to. Hope it all goes well. Good luck with all the stress, and good luck with the move. Can't wait to hear how it is going when you get there.

sheila said...

Good luck with the move Shanna! Utah is lucky to have your cute little family! Tell the kids I hope Santa finds them, I'm sure they are on the Nice list this year!!

Laurie said...

That's exciting! What will Jason be doing? We'd love to see you once you're settled!